Call for Abstract
The theme of the CONVR 2020 Conference is Integration of AR/VR with BIM and Digital Twin technologies.
Authors are invited to submit their abstract via EasyChair link given below
Abstract submission date is 15 Apr 15 May 2020.
The abstract must be no more than 200 words in length, written in English and address at least one of the CONVR 2020 streams. It must be submitted through the EasyChair link given above.
Paper Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will be available to all participants on the first day of the conference, and the proceedings will be submitted to major indexing agencies, such as Scopus. Selected quality papers will also be encouraged for extension and publication in special issues in the following journals:
- Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITCON) (ISSN: 1874-4753). CiteScore 2018: 2.21; CiteScoreTracker 2019 : 2.39
- Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (ISSN: 2046-6099). Clarivate Emerging Sources Citation Index CiteScore 2018: 1.04; CiteScoreTracker 2019: 1.20